Guidance Circular Economy
The Circular Economy (CE) is a pillar of the European Green Deal and an increasingly important
area of EU external action. Therefore, INTPA Unit D4 “Performance, Results and
Evaluation; Internal Communi-cation, Knowledge Management and Collaborative Methods” jointly with INTPA Thematic Units have developed a guidance for action design focusing on a results chain and related indicators.
More tools for a green, notably circular economy
Green Economy: Results Chain and Indicators
The Green Economy Indicator Guidance presents a Results Chain pinpointing to impact, outcomes and outputs that EU development interventions are expected to achieve in the sector, reflecting EU policy priorities and commitments. Additionally, a list of Sector Indicators is provided as examples of measurable indicators associated to each result statement. The stated indicators may be used in Logframe Matrices at project/ programme level.
Not just another database
The interactive map is conceived as a gateway providing information on Inclusive Green Economy-related activities (including their objectives, status, results, partners, funders and budgets) implemented with EU support. Each individual project or programme is linked to its related Sustainable Development Goal(s) SDG-and 10YFP programme, showing the concrete contribution of the EU to the sustainable consumption and production (SCP)-related objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In line with the Green Economy result chain, a set of indicators at impact, outcome and output levels has been elaborated to facilitate monitoring and evaluation. An on-line tool has been elaborated to allow encoding of data by SWITCH Grant projects. Evaluation of the entred data will provide insights into output and impacts achieved by the SWITCH regional programmes.
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Reference Document
The Reference Document on Inclusive Green Economy in development cooperation provides definitions and explains the rationale for cooperation on green economy, in line with EU policies and the growing interest in partner countries. It presents options to support the green economy through dedicated interventions and integration of green economy issues across relevant sectors while providing the relevant references and tools.