As underlined in its new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), the EU’s Circular Economy strategic objective at global level is to drive a just transition to a climate-neutral, resource-efficient and circular economy. This ambition calls for enhanced coordination on the circular economy, but also entails specific objectives across several policy areas.
The new publication “Results and Indicators for Development: Circular Economy” illustrates a result chain that covers outputs, outcomes and impact for intervention on the ares of circular economy.
Furthermore, the new publication offers guidance to build strong logical frameworks (identifying SMART results and measurable indicators) in line with INTPA priorities on the circular economy. Its main objective is to enhance the quality of INTPA interventions – both in terms of design as well as of monitoring and reporting in the course of implementation. The publication is addressed to EU actors involved in the preparation of Action Documents and project documents.
The publication includes
- The EU policy priorities on the circular economy with a short narrative explaining EU policy priorities and commitments as articulated in key policy and strategic documents.
- A Results Chain: a diagram showing the main results (impact, outcomes, outputs) that EU development interventions are expected to achieve in the sector, reflecting EU policy priorities and commitments.
- List of Sector Indicators: examples of measurable indicators associated to each result statement are provided, that may be used in Logframe Matrices at project / programme level.