Peru’s path to a circular Economy

The Circular Economy Coalition for Latin America and the Caribbean responds to the great interest and initiatives on circular economy. In the last few years, the LAC region has been very active in the promotion of circular economy.

Peru has made significant efforts in recent years to transition to a circular economy that preserves its natural resources and biodiversity, while combating poverty and inequality, regional disparities and improving the competitiveness of productive sectors. All this is reflected in the National Plan for Productive Diversification (2014). The plan recognises the need for sustainable economic development in the country to avoid the vulnerability caused by the concentration of production in a few sectors and products, the exploitation of natural resources, and the dependence on international export prices. The Roadmap towards a Circular Economy in the Industry Sector was approved in 2020, and was the first sector roadmap to be developed, with the aim to promote and facilitate the transition in the manufacturing and industrial processing industries of fisheries. In 2021, the Peruvian Pact for a Circular Economy was signed between public entities, business associations, academia, and international cooperation organizations, as a collaborative action  to promote the progressive and effective transition towards a circular economy in Peru.

The Factsheet on Peru ’s Milestone in the circular economy transition summarises interviews with stakeholders including EU Delegations, the national government, the private sector and civil society. It provides analysis of the vision and motivation of actors in the circular economy transition process, the key challenges met and the milestones set. Lessons learnt and success factors were gathered to enable a better understanding of the “recipes” for replication.