A new brochure now shows examples of how the SWITCH to Green Facility works with European Commission services and development partners across the globe. It outlines the services provided by the Facility and of the process to access them. The publications describes the benefits to those who have received the Facility’s technical assistance.
The Facility encourages and supports actors in the transition to a circular economy, by providing technical assistance where good will or enthusiasm for innovation may be complemented by additional operational, knowledge or other capacities. In doing so, it collaborates with complementary DEVCO Facilities, notably the Environment and Climate Change Mainstreaming, Water, Biodiversity, and Forestry Facilities.
Managed by DG DEVCO Unit C2, the Facility delivers a set of tools and services supporting the overall coherence, coordination, effectiveness, impact and visibility of EU international partnerships in the green, notably circular, economy. Support can be channelled through commission services, EU Delegations, and development partners.
Many reasons to read the brochure (click to download).