Inside the SWITCH side-event at High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

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The EU SWITCH programme: A contribution to SDG12 and the Implementation of the 10YFP

Organised by the SWITCH to Green Facility, in collaboration with three SWITCH partner countries (Uganda, Thailand and Jordan), the SWITCH Regional Programmes (Asia, Mediterranean and Africa), and the One Planet Network, the event discussed the importance of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) to the 2030 Agenda, highlighting the contribution of the SWITCH Programmes to sustainable growth, job creation and environmental objectives.

The EU indicated that the new European Consensus on Development, which provides the framework for EU development policy, gives high attention to SCP, as a means to achieve both its Prosperity and Planet objectives.



“.. . Adopting SCP practices is one of the most cost-effective (and) efficient ways to achieve economic development, reduce impacts on environment and advance human well-being within planetary boundaries…”
“SWITCH programmes that we (the EU) have been implementing with partners are great illustration of how we can cooperate to progress on SDG 12 but also on the broader 2030 Agenda…”

Ms Chantal Marijnissen, DG DEVCO, Head of Unit C2 Environment, Natural Resources and Water, introducing the session



Uganda, Thailand and Jordan shared their experiences and success stories from the SWITCH programmes in promoting an inclusive green economy and, in particular, in implementing SCP policies and practices. Focus was put on the benefits for SMEs, workers and consumers deriving from the SWITCH Africa Green, SWITCH-Asia and SwitchMed programmes, and how these EU supported programmes contribute to the attainment of SDG 12 in partner countries and globally.

img-tokurut       img-ichatchai-2       img-mafana

Dr Tom Okurut

Executive Director, National Environment Management Authority, Uganda


Dr Intatha Chatchai

Office of the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, Thailand

Mr Mohamad Afana

Director of Policy and Development Directorate
Ministry of Environment, Jordan 


A snapshot of the Evaluation of EU Cooperation on Green Economy nourished the discussion with the summary of its recommendations presented by Mr Thibaut Portevin, DG DEVCO, Policy Officer Green Economy.


Here after some main abstracts:
“improve the understanding of what the Green Economy and the SCP are about”
“need to better document the results we can achieve Green Economy and SCP”
“need to prioritize the sectors where we can achieve the greatest environmental impact (…) but also where there is a business case for the adoption of SCP practices by the private sector”
“focus more on the translation of international and regional policies at national level, (…) focus more on policy coherence rather than developing more strategies…”
“stronger focus on sustainable consumption”
“further support to networking and developing interactivity with other initiatives (e.g. financing tools)”




 The contribution of the SWITCH programmes to the 10YFP programme was also underlined by Mr Charles Arden-Clarke, One Planet Network /10YFP Secretariat as “really important” as “the SWITCH projects have filled a gap in terms of support at a regional level which is still as very cost efficient and fruitful way of progressing.”






The session was co-moderated by Mr Alexander Charalambous, Team Leader SWITCH to Green Facility and Arab Hoballah, Team Leader SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility The full agenda and PPT presentations of the speakers are available here.


For further information please contact Mr Alexander Charalambous or Ms Isabelle Demolin