SWITCH Africa Green support stakeholders in Africa in achieving sustainable development by transitioning to an inclusive green economy based on sustainable consumption and production. It provides opportunities for the private sector to move to more resource-efficient, environmentally sound business practices that also increase profitability, create green jobs and reduce poverty. The collaboration with partners in the public and private sectors aims at advancing green business development, eco-entrepreneurship and sustainable consumption and production practices.
The regional programme focuses on Burkina Faso, Ethopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa, and Uganda.
SWITCH Africa Green aims for the following outcomes:
- Micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises and business service providers that are better equipped to seize opportunities for green business development;
- Better informed public and private consumers;
- Enabling conditions in the form of clear policies, sound regulatory frameworks, appropriate incentives and taxes and other fiscal and market-based instruments that influence key sectors in African countries.
SWITCH Africa Green, developed by the European Union in 2013, targets four high-priority sectors: agriculture, manufacturing, integrated waste management and tourism. It focuses on five thematic cross-cutting areas: energy efficiency, labelling and standards, water efficiency, eco-innovation and sustainable trade.
The programme consists of components:
- green business development,
- policy support and
- a networking facility.
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