Towards a more Sustainable, Digital and Circular Textile and Fashion Value Chain – Insights from circular textiles initiatives across EU and Africa

Listen to encouraging stories of innovative textile and clothing entrepreneurs who are already embracing circular approaches at the #EABF – the Europe Africa Business Forum. Join our online event that will discuss how fashion entrepreneurs and MSMEs in Africa can build more sustainable, resilient, and circular textile value chains. Get more information.

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SAVE THE DATE: Closing the loop for e-waste in Africa at WRF 2021

Join our online workshop on Circular economy policy and business solutions to e-waste challenges in Africa at the World Resources Forum 2021. By 2050, people are set to consume an estimated 140 billion tons of natural resources like minerals, ores, fossil fuels and biomass per year, compared to 60 billion tons in 2005 (IRP, 2011). A record 53.6 million metric tonnes (Mt) of electronic waste was generated worldwide in 2019, up 21 per cent in just five years, according to the UN’s Global E-waste Monitor 2020. Numbers leave no doubt action on e-waste management is needed. Tune it to our online event. Get more information.

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Kyrgyzstan is Taking Action to Implement Circular Approaches in the Construction and Building Sector with a Focus on Energy Efficiency

An analytical report on the construction sectorin Kyrgystan was discussed at a recent workshop hosted by the SWITCH-Asia programme. The EU-SWITCH-Asia SCP Facility, together with its partner, the Civic Foundation Unison Group, have been providing support to the Government to promote and enhance SCP and Circular Economy in the construction and building sector, with a focus on energy efficiency.

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Missed the S2G lab debate at EDD 21? Catch the replay!

Circular economy is a key topic of our European green deal, which call for a global response to climate change and environmental degradation. The lab debate on Building new partnerships to globally support EU priorities on the circular economy explored how the circular economy helps SMEs not only to address environmental impacts but also to develop and contribute to decent jobs and the growth of their business.

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Circular Economy and Sustainable Lifestyles Course

Learn more on Circular Economy and Sustainable Lifestyles. An online course with the aim to disseminate and shape up knowledge and case studies of Sustainable Consumption and  production (SCP), highlighting sustainable lifestyles and circular economy, and to promote uptake and advocate SCP policies of Asian countries, is now available. Discover more.

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How to Finance a Sustainable Ocean Recovery

The EU-funded guidance “Turning the Tide: How to finance a sustainable ocean recovery” provides a market-first practical toolkit for financial institutions to pivot their activities towards financing a sustainable blue economy. It outlines how to avoid and mitigate environmental and social risks and impacts, as well as highlighting opportunities.

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