This document provides definitions and explains the rationale for cooperation on green economy, in line with EU policies and the growing interest in partner countries. It presents options to support the green economy through dedicated interventions and integration of green economy issues across relevant sectors while providing the relevant references and tools.
The reference document details the EU’s vision on the green economy that implies that practices across many sectors of EU international cooperation contribute to the transition. This includes actions promoting green business practices in the context of private sector development; actions in
environmental sectors, such as biodiversity and forestry; relevant agricultural practices that contribute to natural capital preservation; actions in the area of renewable energy production, energy efficiency and the fight against climate change; actions on sustainable cities; waste prevention (including re-manufacturing, repair, direct reuse) and management (waste collection, recycling, etc.); and actions in social sectors, notably initiatives to promote green and decent job creation
As such, actions on a inclusive, green economy contribute to the implementation of the European Consensus on Development, which calls on the EU and its Member States to promote resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production (SCP) with focus on decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation by encouraging the transition to a circular economy.
Please find the full publication here.